About The Wharton Global Forums

Global Forums are Lifelong Learning events hosted in international centers of economic and political importance. Through the forums, Wharton provides its alumni, friends, and the global business community with an opportunity to learn from and interact with the best minds in industry. Since their founding in 1993, Wharton’s Global Forums have been held 18 times in Asia; 15 times in Europe, Africa and the Middle East; 10 times in Latin America; and once in North America.

The Forums seek to:

  • Provide opportunities for alumni and the broader business community to engage with one another, and develop meaningful relationships with peers and new knowledge partners;
  • Strengthen the bonds among the School, its alumni, and international business leaders;
  • Give global thought leaders a forum to discuss important ideas; and
  • Offer Wharton faculty an opportunity to engage in discourse about important economies around the world.

About Lifelong Learning

Lifelong Learning brings Wharton alumni together over the course of their careers with new and exciting ways to learn. Forums, online courses, videos and webinars, and Executive Education programming all feature highly relevant content of a caliber only Wharton can provide. Wharton Digital Press publications and Knowledge@Wharton reporting are additional resources valued by alumni and members of the business community. To access Wharton’s Lifelong Learning, visit Wharton Lifelong Learning

About the Wharton School

Founded in 1881 as the first collegiate business school, the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania is recognized globally for intellectual leadership and ongoing innovation across every major discipline of business education. With a broad global community and one of the most published business school faculties, Wharton creates ongoing economic and social value around the world. The School has 5,000 undergraduate, MBA, executive MBA, and doctoral students; more than 9,000 annual participants in executive education programs; and a powerful alumni network of 92,000 graduates. For more information, visit Wharton

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